a world premiere by Matthew Ivan Bennett

Friday, October 29, 2021
Live at 11am, rebroadcast at 7pm
ICYMI: please click the App image below to stream!

Lose your heads with us.

A fraidy-cat schoolmaster tries to court the most eligible bachelorette in Sleepy Hollow and finds himself at odds with the Headless Horseman.

The Utah Review (preview | review)

The cast of RADIO HOUR EPISODE 15: SLEEPY HOLLOW, left to right: Jay Perry, Isabella Reeder, Doug Fabrizio. Photo credit Brian Albers.


Featuring Doug Fabrizio, Jay Perry, and Isabella Reeder
Directed/sound designed by Cheryl Ann Cluff
Original music by Dave Evanoff
eFoley by Joe Killian
Sound engineered by Brian Albers


digiPlaybill  |  Audio Playbill  |  digiScript (viewable only on Google Drive, not downloadable or printable: depending on your settings you may need to request access).