In June of 2017, we hosted the first-ever gathering of Theatre Artists of Color in Salt Lake City. We had three goals: (1) to get to know each other to create a network of support, (2) to provide a space to discuss the challenges of working as theatre artists of color in and around Salt Lake City, and (3) to dig deep to see which stories we could authentically explore onstage in future seasons and how we can diversify who writes them, who shares them onstage, and who designs them. Fifty-one artists attended that gathering. The desire to tell stories was at the forefront of the conversation.

Creating opportunities for first-time playwrights of color to develop work and see it produced was something we could commit to immediately. So we did.

So we organized the Theatre Artists of Color Writing Workshop for the attendees who expressed interest. The Workshop was taught by Utah’s most produced playwright, Julie Jensen, in November and December of 2017. There was much discussion regarding whether a white playwright should teach this workshop - it was unanimously agreed by all those who expressed interest that they were keen to learn the craft specifically from Julie. She taught the basics of the craft; the writers wrote; a private showing was held in December of 2017.

Then we, as a group, decided to continue the Workshop with quarterly meetings, now under the direction of Artistic Director Jerry Rapier, providing regular opportunities for each member to share work with the group.

The Theatre Artists of Color Writing Workshop is a true community of color, one where those who often feel voiceless are creating the conversation. It stands alone among writing workshops nationwide due to its commitment to fully produce work of its members, work that is increasingly integral to each of our programs.




-...OF COLOR, comprised of "Drivers License, Please" by Olivia Custodio, "The Frailest Thing" by Bijan Hosseini, "American Pride" by Iris Salazar, and "Roar" by Darryl Stamp 
- "Bombastic Blue" by Olivia Custodio as part of ROSE EXPOSED
LOCAL COLOR, comprised of "Suicide Box" by Tatiana Christian, "Guise" by Chris Curlett, "DOLs" by Dee-Dee Darby-Duffin, and "Organic" by Tito Livas
- "Stranded" by Brandan Ngo as part of ROSE EXPOSED
- AFTERSHOCK by Iris Salazar
- GO HOME COME BACK by Darryl Stamp
- SQUEAK by Tito Livas, our 11th annual Free Elementary School Tour
- EllaMental by Dee-Dee Darby-Duffin, our 12th annual Free Elementary School Tour
- FULL COLOR, comprised of monologues by Tatiana Christian, Chris Curlett, Courtney Dilmore, Dee-Dee Darby-Duffin, Bijan Hosseini, Tito Livas, Iris Salazar, and Darryl Stamp


Full history of plays read in the Theatre Artists of Color Writing Workshop

Play at Home commissions, included in the Performing Arts COVID-19 Response Collection at the Library of Congress

The Theatre Artists of Color Writing Workshop is Chris Curtlett, Dee-Dee Darby-Duffin, Courtney Dilmore, Bijan Hosseini, Tito Livas, Iris Salazar, and Darryl Stamp. 

Alumni: Emilio Casillas, Tatiana Christian, Olivia Custodio, Shane Mozaffari, Brandan Ngo, and Peihui Wu.

Theatre Artists of Color Facebook group